The price of these agricultural machinery products sold by your company is too high. Through our inquiry in Myanmar and Southeast Asia, we find that the price difference between the products you sell and the same type of products sold by some companies in other regions is as high as 5%. Therefore, we hope that your company can reduce the price of the products. If you can do this, we are very grateful Thank you.
贵公司所销售的这批农机产品价格实在是太高了,通过我公司在缅甸以及东南亚地区的询价发现,贵公司所卖出的产品和其他地区的一些公司所卖出的同类型产品价格差异高达5%,因此我们希望贵公司能够在产品价格方面有所降低,如果能够做到这一点,万分感谢。外贸快车,杭州外贸快车,google 优化推广,思亿欧,思亿欧外贸快车,外贸快车代理商,谷歌优化怎么做?
一个是The price difference between the products sold by your company and the products of the same type sold by some companies in other regions is as high as 5%,另外一个是Therefore, we hope that you can reduce the price of your products。
The price difference of this type of products sold by our company is mainly due to the geographical difference, so we can't reduce the price difference. Your company can compare the tax and other expenses of the products sold by the same enterprises in Asia. Through this comparison, you can find that this price is affected by different regions The impact is different, so it directly affects the quotation of products. Of course, the products of the same category will have certain basis for differences in quality. In addition, you can consider several other types of products sold by our company. The price given to your company is far lower than that of products sold by Myanmar and other companies. This is also the problem of regional price difference. In this regard, the difference We can compensate you in the sale of other kinds of products. I hope you can understand.
he price of this type of products sold by your company is far higher than the product calculation of our company. Therefore, in this state, our company's purchase of your products will probably lead to no return under the best condition of expenses, which is related to our brother's market. Therefore, we hope that your company will be able to reduce the price of these parts when they are sold.
外贸快车效果怎么样,更多关于外贸快车营销可致电18268121033 (微信同号)